1. Pre-Production
A. Understanding the Brief
- Client completes a Standardised Briefing Form.
- Studio (in consultation with Client) ensures insightful grasp of Brief.
B. Sourcing Reference Images
- Studio either shoots relevant photographs; or sources existing images; or both (depending on specific requirements).
C. Character Casting
- Client selects Character/s Facial Features from various reference images.
- Client specifies other factors: Gender; Age; Complexion; Hairstyle; Body Type; Attire and Accessories.
- Client specifies preferred (PANTONE) Character/s Complexion.
D. Scene Composition (Using Mannequins)
- Studio (in close consultation with Client) creates several Mannequin scenes (excluding backgrounds) from which Client makes a single final selection that will inform sketches.
NB Factors to be considered include:
- Camera: Angle, Distance and Lens Focal Length
- Location: Indoors / Outdoors / Urban / Rural / Other
- Ambience
- Props
E. Character Development (Sketching)
F. Background Development
2. Production
A. Inking
B. Line Refinement
C. Flood Fill
D. Effects
3. Post Production
A. Composition
B. Collating
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