Top 5 Elements for Memorable Branding

Top 5 Elements for Memorable Branding

The Best Logo for Your Company

How easy is it to establish a simple and effective logo for your business? Actually, it is quite simple. Many businesses tend to overthink the process of choosing the correct logo, and this makes sense because this is the face of your company.  Getting the correct logo is actually a simple procedure – simple in the sense that it does not need to be a complicated artwork. In fact, the less complexity, the higher the chances of success. In this day and age, everything is fast paced and moving at a rapid speed, try to think of your logo in the context of a street sign. While on the move, one should still have a few seconds to look at it – that is not the challenge, the challenge is to get people to see it and remember it.

Here are the top elements to consider when choosing the perfect logo for your business!


1)     Less is More, Effortless Design

As an individual, one would generally like their face to be remembered. The same principle applies with logos, and what better way to be remembered than not having too many elements to have to store in your mind. This brings us to simplicity. Simple logo’s are proven to be the most effective and memorable types of logo’s. Your company needs a face, and that is the role of the logo – something recognizable and of course,memorable. Less will always be more in logo design, keep it as effortless as possible, that’s how one can make sure that their company logo is striking. Effortless design is striking design, and striking design is excellent design, this is definitely what you want.


2)    Using colour that emphasises meaning

Colour, is the biggest cheat code when trying to reach the subconscious minds of your audience. This sounds like a magical remedy, and in essence it really is.The use of colour of your logo should be relevant to the company as well as the emotions of the audience. You have complete control over what emotions you wish your audience to experience when viewing your logo. Remember to make sure the logo uses colours that are representative of the company, in such a way that it doesn’t negatively affect your brand’s identity. Do not use too many colours for your logo , 1-3 colours is the standard amount of colours to be used. More than 3 colours is not recommended but if you feel strongly about it, no one is stopping you. You ultimately want your logo to last forever, so be careful of representing your company with too many colours. Memorable logo’s usually have less colours, take the logo for Nike and Apple as an example of successful monochromatic logos.


3)    Memorable & Timeless

When branding the ‘image’ of your company, it important to maintain consistency in order to make it memorable and timeless. Memorable logos are usually simple. Timeless logos are usually simple as well. Something that is relevant now, might not be relevant in a few years but simplicity is timeless This is also the key to ensuring whether your logo will withstand the test of time. You want your logo to be timeless because when you continuously re-brand, your audience automatically loses track of the brand and that will affect their loyalty towards your brand. This happens because your brand will appear unreliable and the audience has no reason to stay loyal to a brand that’s unreliable and forever changing.



4)     Versatile & Appropriate

Versatility in this case refers to placement of logo in different places. The logo should be versatile enough to be resized smaller or bigger, used in grayscale, black, white, inverse etc. If this does not apply to your logo then it is possible that your logo has too much detail. Remember, the more simple it is, the more effective. Keep the brand in mind when developing your logo – the logo should be an appropriate visual representation of the company. This is the face of your company and you need the face to be as crisp as possible.


5)     Keep It Fresh

When choosing a logo for your company, the last thing you want to do is copy and paste something that already exists. This is literally the worst thing to do for obvious reasons. What you do want to do is keep the logo design fresh. Fresh design doesn’t necessarily refer to it being funky and playful, but fresh refers to originality more than anything. The best way to stand out is by having a fresh logo, I cannot emphasize how important it is to make sure your logo is original. Fresh logo’s are usually well thought out and immediately have a link to what the company is all about.

Ultimately , these steps seem easy to follow, but we all know the opposition between theory and practice. It is important to get your logo designed by a qualified designer who already understands these principles, this will make life a lot easier. Finding the ‘face’ of your business will entail trial and error processes, but this guideline should narrow everything that is  crucial down for you, and make your life much easier. Contact experts in branding, BWD Advertising ( to assist in your logo design.

