Certain trends are favored for years, but others lose their popularity and disappear just as quickly as they arise. So, Let’s check a look at the 12 graphic design trends for 2019 below and see if any of them can be your inspiration for this dynamic year!

1. Brightness

2. Disjointed Text

3. Glitch

4. Color Channel

5. Slide Text

6. Integration

7. Font As Illustration

8. Paybill

9. Text As Design

10. Liquid

11. Iconification

12. Systematic Color

1. Brightness

Brightness is using a lot of really loud colors. Very bright and very neon colors are juxtaposed with opposing colors or colors that are opposite each other on the color wheel such as purple and yellow.

2. Disjointed Text

Disjointed text is an interesting visual take on typography. The designer is creating a kind of abstract take on the letter forms by creating separation between each letter in the word or phrase. The idea is  to bring the message and content into the design but still keep the design more visual rather than something that you read.

3. Glitch

This trend is showing up a lot these days. Glitch is imagery that looks like it’s being transformed or broken up by some sort of digital interference. This design trend can elicit a fascination with distress, deconstruction and the eerie beauty of imperfection.

4. Color Channel

Color channel is if you took some imagery and you broke out all of the CMYK or RGB colors and overlaid them with various levels of transparency. It is trending in both text and imagery.

5. Slide Text

Sliced text is a little like disjointed text but it’s more like whole words are being sliced with an exacto knife, for example. It creates a collage type feel and can give your typography a visual interest.

6. Integration

Integration is where you take fonts or letter forms or numbers and you integrate it very closely with photography. Think of it like the text and the photograph are living in the same physical space. There is always a visually interesting way they are interwoven with each other. This is a very popular trend and can be used in vastly different visual and creative ways.

7. Font As Illustration

Using a font or a letter form or a number form as an illustration element in and of itself. This can be used in conjunction with photography and masking elements of the photo into the letter or number form. The letter or number form can also be used to create the subject of your composition.

8. Paybill

Playbill references old fight posters or musical posters of the 20’s and 30’s or even in the 70’s and 80’s but it’s layering texts in different shapes and different orientations. It’s fascinating trend in methodology that you can use in a number of different ways.

9. Text As Design

This is kind of like text as illustration but it’s different in the fact that it’s using fonts and using text forms as the illustration or design as is. It’s not using any kind of photography or illustration other than the letter form. It might use different font combinations or various scaling and overlaying or cropping to give the design visual interest.

10. Liquid

Liquid is an interesting take on typography and it makes use of visual highlights when you see liquid pooling. It can be used in a 3D or 2D way combining font pairings with liquid traits from ink to paint. There are a number of ways you can address the liquid trend in your designs.

11. Iconification

Iconification is taking photography, illustration or imagery and bringing it down to its most simple linear form and creating to a certain extent an icon out of it. These can be created using depth, gradients and hand drawn elements.

12. Systematic Color

When you do a logo and a brand identity system you generally design it in its higher palette so it looks like an entire system. This can be used in many ways but overall there’s a very tight color palette being used.


Trends exist for a reason, and people are always going to hop on board with what is popular. That means that it’s important to understand trends and why they exist, but to also be able to be playful and skirt around them. Bwd is a great example of a brand that adapts to new trends but also stays forward-thinking and constantly challenges the status quo.


Did you know that 67% of consumers and 85% of millennials, defined as people age 18-34, say they’ve purchased a product or service after watching a video? The question is how do you get started especially if you hate being in front of the camera or you’re working on a tight budget?


Direct Sales Videos

Well, the first thing is to create direct sales videos around your product or service. And that is as simple as either you or a spokesperson/brand ambassador/influencer jumping in front of a video camera, talking about either your product or service, outlining not just the problem that the consumer is facing in relation to the outcome that your product or service offers, but also outlining specifically, and I mean very specifically, how your product or service is gonna help them solve that problem.

Many people think, “Well, how long should this video be?” It could be anywhere from 6 minutes to 14 minutes long. We’ve found the sweet spot for our campaigns it’s not necessarily how long it should be, it’s how long it needs to be to actually give the consumer what they want and outline exactly what they get and give them a direct call to action, to take action immediately to really boost your sales. And that comes through not only experience but also experimenting.

When creating videos, we tend to script because we have a very specific formula that we use but, if you’re just getting started out, just get in front of that camera or get a spokesperson/brand ambassador/influencer to talk about the benefits of your product or service.


Explainer Videos

I like explainer videos, the format is exactly the same as a direct sales video but it’s more an animated video, so it’s moving text or even little animated characters on screen explaining how your product or service impacts customers. The great thing about using an animated video is that it takes you out of picture. So, it’s all up to the animation to really generate those sales results, but it must follow that distinct production process elicit the best results.


Testimonial Videos

Testimonials can absolutely work wonders for products or services that aren’t getting conversions right now. There is nothing like social proof and the psychology of selling to drive customers to purchase your products or services.

When it comes to a testimonial videos, you obviously have to reach out to existing customers that are not just happy with your product or service but advocates who are thrilled with your offering, and they’re happy to take the time to jump in front of a video camera or do a live video call with you so you can record that testimonial. Because there will be prospective consumers that really want to buy what you have to sell, but there are a few little niggly little things that they haven’t been able to tick off logically or even emotionally that’s preventing them from actually making that transaction. Addressing these in a video testimonial and watch your sales go through the roof.


Educational Videos

The reason for doing educational videos around your subject matter is that it’s not a direct sales pitch but it’s establishing credibility as well as social proof. Boosting educational videos to our targeted audience to make sure that they’re seeing them on a consistent basis and drive most of our interactions through social media platforms.

When creating videos you’re not just building a brand value for your business and also improving your personal brand, your status and your credibility, you’re also generating leads that will eventually lead to sales. And this goes hand-in-hand with two different types of prospects.

The first prospect is one that they will buy immediately off of a direct sales video. The second one is a prospect that will purchase after they’ve received more value out of your business directly. And this works with any products, any service in any industry.

References; https://www.marketingdive.com/news/study-85-of-millennials-have- purchased-a-product-after-watching-a-video/541594/


If you have been looking to increase your businesses conversion rates by up to 84%, an animated explainer is the best way to go about it. Animated explainers are animated videos that describe your businesses products and services in a short and memorable way. We will be going through a list of reasons why an animated explainer will benefit your business.

Attention Grabbing

The colors, the movement and the sound effects among other aspects of an animated explainer are a lot more interactive and engaging than copy. Animated explainers can help explain how your company works in no more than 30 to 90 seconds. Since videos are clicked 41% more than posts with text, this would result in more customers understanding your business. Animated explainers are versatile and can be customised to suit your client base. You can educate your viewers using whiteboard animation, explain your product in a quirky and colorful way using motion graphics or break down a complicated process using character animation.

Gives A Solution To Your Customers Problem

With a problems solution approach, an explainer video will present a problem and describe how your businesses product or service can solve it. This approach can be made more impactful when the characters are made to look like the potential consumer and the scenarios fit the potential consumers day to day life. As the viewer sees the product or service applied in their daily lives it will increase their purchase confidence. A study showed that 90% of online shoppers said that a video helps them make better shopping decisions. Animated explainers


When a customer shares your video, they are sharing it with people who may have the same needs or wants in common. Videos are shared 1200% more than copy and links combined, which gives your explainer video the potential to go viral and bring many new customers. If a viewer discovers the animated explainer on youtube or any other social media site, they will be interested in finding out what your company offers. By uploading your animated explainer online you are also putting yourself on the second largest search engine.

Makes Your Product Authentic & Credible

It is important that when a potential customer lands on your site, they understand your product or services and make a purchase. Even if they do not make a purchase immediately they must at least remember your product for future reference. Based on Online Publisher Associations study, around 80% of your customers will recall the information from your businesses animated explainer even after 30 days. Your company will also be easy to identify because the animation will feature your companies colors.

Multi Purpose

Animated explainers aren’t limited in terms of their purpose, below are a few examples of explainer video options as well their purpose.

Internal videos: Teach new employees how your business operates.

Educational: These animated explainers can be used to teach your customers about your field or teach your customers how to use a product or service.

Promotional: Promote a new product or service.

Return On Investment

The benefits of an explainer video far exceed the costs of one, here is why.

  • It optimizes your SEO, your video will be posted and shareable from multiple video platforms such as vimeo or youtube, this will make your business easier to find.
  • 85% of the people that visit your site and watch the animated explainer will be more likely to buy your product or use your service.
  • It drops your bounce rate. As explained previously animated explainers are engaging, colorful and talk to your customer directly. This will keep them engaged and teach them about your business.
  • An extra benefit is that they cost a lot less than a live action video, meaning you can get the above mentioned benefits for less.


An animated explainer is a great way to increase sales through increased purchase confidence and increased credibility. Since videos are shared more often than text your business will be easier to find and new customers can quickly learn about your products and services.

How to use video marketing to delight customers Marketing has transcended the times where one only gave mere information for the purpose of promoting goods and services. Customers these days tend to appreciate visual exhibition or graphical display of products and services. For example, any customer looking forward to purchasing a new electronic product will be more driven an enticed by a video demonstration of what purpose such product stands to serve.


Video marketing is one in many things and benefits. It stands as a source of entertainment, as well as an effective publicity tool. Owing to the modern medium of broadcast, a service provider or product manufacturer stands a better chance of reaching out to the world via video broadcast by his loyal customers. The inclusion of videos as a means of marketing strategy goes a very long way to wow your customers. For those who have an already existing website, it won’t be difficult keeping your visitors longer on your site. They will appreciate your site and products even more. Videos are self- explanatory of your products and services. A video marketing strategy will stay longer on the mind of a customer than mere words or write up. How to fully engage video marketing as a marketing strategy.


Engage Your Customers

The recent social media frenzy can be of great benefit to you. It is easy these
days to get your customers to promote your products. It is simply called customer testimonial. It works by asking your customers to make short videos of how best they have enjoyed your product or service. When this is done, they will share same on your site or any other social media platform run by you. Others get to view these videos and thereby patronize you. This circle continues so long as you keep encouraging them to create more videos. There is no harm in attaching incentives to videos with the highest views.


Videos of Appreciation

Ever done something for someone without being appreciated thereafter? The feeling can be so demoralizing. So it is with your customers. Every customer will naturally feel he is doing you a favor by patronizing you. Thus, there is a natural expectation of gratitude. They deserve to know how much you appreciate their patronage. Thus, it will be highly necessary to create videos that express your appreciation to those loyal customers of yours. This is one way of keeping their patronage consistent. You may even choose to stretch further by personalizing your appreciation. You can achieve this by specifically mentioning the names of those very loyal customers of yours. New customers should also benefit from this gesture. It makes them have that feeling of being welcomed. Celebrating your customer builds a unique bond. You can do this by celebrating their birthdays and anniversaries by way of short videos.


Update Videos

Every business that is a going concern will definitely have to review its products and services. These reviews are gotten from feedbacks from
customers as well as the observed loops in operations. Thus, there is always a need for product and service upgrade. These upgrades can be further explained to customers by way of short videos. These videos provide knowledge to the customers on the improvements made and your commitment to satisfy their growing demands.


Product Descriptive Videos

descriptive videos are not different from what we first said. This kind of video merely explains your product in detail. It could also serve as an operating manual, especially for automobiles and electronics. It teaches users how to set up the product; as well as showing the user how best the product can and should be operated. It is often used to answer frequently
asked questions from customers. This can be achieved by using a member of your team to make a short video of your product. It is advisable to keep the video as short and simple as possible. There is no wrong in splitting the content of your video into series.


Service Descriptive Videos

This is no different from product descriptive videos. This basically refers to service-oriented businesses such as tour guide, cleaning services, delivery agents etc. thus, a short descriptive video of your services and mode of operation is very necessary.

There are many explainer video styles available they differ in the way they deliver their qualities some explainer video is best for specific business activities. Thus you need to be very keen and careful when choosing the type of explainer video to use in your business. Explainer video. An explainer video is a powerful automatic and powerful video that can be a live action or animated to enable you to explain to willing customers about a business idea in a fun way that grabs attention easily. Explainer video tends to increase the understanding of your business in an awesome idea. Things to consider before choosing an explainer video. Put into consideration the expansion brand of your business. What you need to bring out about your business. What you what people to create in their minds after watching the explainer video. The best 5 explainer video styles.



Animated characters can be created to attract a large number of people. They tend to use the power of animation together with storytelling to make sure that a memorable and entertaining video is brought up. This enables your brand to form a strong emotional bond with the target audience. Character animation has made advertising very easy and convenient because the audience and the business are directly connected. They are capable of evoking emotions that aid in displaying the companies intended message direct. Animated video is many people favorite because they bring about fun, entertainment, and playful activities. Animated videos can make your business very famous because the fun in it makes those who watch tend to share with their friends and family.


2D Whiteboard Animation

Currently, whiteboard video has increased. This is an explainer video which is cheap, enable you to deliver complex messages to your target audience using simple images and it is also very simple to come up with. It enables viewers to stay updated on what is happening and what it is going to happen. Whiteboard videos are not very attractive like the other styles but they are very advantageous when it comes to educating your audience about your brands. Whiteboard 2D animated videos are quite attractive and brighter and very easy to recognize. This feature makes it famous.


Motion Graphics

The motion graphics business explainer video uses graphics elements in motion to explain detailed and complex business ideas. Messages look more formal than the other styles of explainer videos. The formal messages are always sophisticated and descent. Motion graphic can as well work with other video and animation style to create character animation balance. Motion graphics explainer video works in an excellent way when delivering statistics and figure that are always tiresome and brings boredom to the audience when looked at on a book or a journal. This explainer video ensures that the target audience gets the intended complex idea in an easy and understandable way. The high synthesis power of motion graphics grabs the attention of your target audience.


Live Action Videos

Sometimes as a business person, you need to show your personality to the audience you are targeting. Trying to showcase the human side of your brand. This is because many consumers like the realities about the products they are to buy. These create trust and encourages them more to partner with you. Live action explainer videos are easy and faster to produce as compare to all other explainer video styles. It can take you a maximum of twelve hours to create and upload a live video. Live action videos are always preferred and used to pass serious and important messages about your business brand. With the seriousness of the message the video is still equipped with fun and entertainment. Even though life action video is believed to be traditional it is still the best as it improves trust with your customers and the targeted group. It is very effective as it displays and explained the business brand goals.


Stock Footage

Stock footage features collection purchase or locations of various individuals through clips. It is very easier and convenient to make a footage stock live video. This videos specifically targets the third person who is the customer. It conveys the business idea brand to many people and locations. Choosing the best explainer video to convey your business ideas is actually the best way to attract more customers who will like to work with you. It will also show how creative and intelligent you are when it comes to businesses. It always good to showcase your business ideas to bring some kind of reality to your customer.

If you are a firm, big or small you certainly would like an identity around which you can build your company. This is referred to the brand and this is what stays with your firm, its products, the people who come into which the firm, and even perhaps the people who work in it. However there often is confusion between brand and logo. Hence it would not be a bad idea to try and understand the differences between the two for the benefit of readers.

What Exactly Is A Logo?

When we refer a logo, we refer to an image, shape or something else which is synonymous with the identification of the firm and its products. It could be the Green Mermaid of Starbucks, or the Gold Arches with M for McDonald, just to name a few. Many people often confuse this with branding. In fact, branding has a much larger and holistic perspective. It deals with the overall experience customers have with a firm. It may not be wrong to mention that the logo could be a part of the overall branding strategy. It is just a small part of the overall objective of a company.


Branding takes into account each and every touch point that the customers could have with the firm. It could brick and mortar stores, the online experience or even corporate events and other such places where there is an interaction between the customers and the company. Hence, a brand is all inclusive compared to logos.

What Does Logo Actually Represent

Choosing the right logo is very important because it represents the main ethos and objectives of the company. For example,  when one looks at the swoosh of Nike you can identify it with speed and motion. The shape of swoosh is quite simple but it does convey quite a few things.

On the other hand when you look at the brand Nike we are looking at a whole range of indoor, outdoor and cyber activities. There is branding involved in almost everything that a firm does. It could start from the packaging, the packing strips that are used, the invoices and bills which are sent to customers and much more. Companies use celebrity endorsements, advertisements in the electronic and print media as branding exercises. Branding also plays a big role in the way in which exclusive stores are designed and the way in which products are placed. Even a small 10-second advertisement has a big thrust in branding.

Brand Publicity Versus Product Publicity

Branding also is different from pure product advertisements. While the focus of branding is on building corporate identity product advertisement generally focus on the product more. However, the branding is visible even in small advertisements but the emphasis remains on the product.     Branding plays a big role when there is a need to communicate with the customers either personally or through other means. It also is used to communicate with employees, shareholders, vendors, government authorities, stock markets and much more. Branding has a very big role to play when the company is on an expansion mode or when there is a need to take over or amalgamate with some other company. It takes years to build a brand image and therefore it indeed is a tough and difficult task.

Why Logo Has Better Recall Value

Quite often people recall the logo and not the brand. This is because the brand is easily visible and the brand is the silent ambassador working behind the scenes. It would be not out of place to mention here that there are many customers who identify the companies by the logo instead of the brand.     Brand plays a big role in positioning a product in a marketplace. It must, therefore, take into account quite a few things. It would not be out of place to mention here that logo is a part of branding. It would not be right to see it separately away from branding. There is no logo without branding and not vice-versa.

The Final Word

In fine it would not be out of place to mention here that brand is the ultimate experience customers and other stakeholders have about a company. On the other hand, a logo is a graphic representation with an image which describes the main objectives of the company in question. Both are complementary to one another and one without the other cannot exist.

With the consistently changing computerized scene, the eventual fate of substance advertising is correct presently slanted towards video showcasing. Because of the computerized innovation getting monetary and more accessible to individuals with the utilization of cell phones, a video for business can’t be discounted as a standout amongst the most huge tools for marking.

the video, one of those special media where individuals can extricate their required information through brisk, compact and furthermore in an engaging format.   Advantages of video advertising a few realities on the advantages of promoting video procedures:   Video advertising for business promoted mark mindfulness. Corporate video advancement can really influence 80% of the general population to recall the name of a brand.

The Procedure of Using Video for Business Works in Light of The Fact That:

1.  Organizations can rapidly pass on their business esteems and increase their odds of presentation to the intended interest group by offering engaging yet instructive substance.

2. Online video marketing increases a company online nearness. The more a video courses and remains on the web, the more it winds up to fit the bill to transform the watchers into customers.

3. Simple videos that feature the administration and the merchandise of business put an identity to the brand, making it more sound and dependable to the gathering of people for putting resources into.

4. Because of the intensity of sharing, videos can be immediately coursed starting with one platform then onto the next, achieving another objective from a current one through social video marketing. Social media is where an individual can be conveyed whenever. Imaging how your image will be at that invaluable position where it can pass on the message at any hours of the day.

5. The importance of video in marketing also lies in the way that the organization can enhance its Web optimization positioning on the hunt page of the top programs. Appealing videos keep the gathering of people occupied with the company’s site and furthermore a pool in more rush hour gridlock to the equivalent. At the point when the inquiry bots examine the action, the possibility of the organization anchoring a higher position turns out to be simple.

6. Versatile is the new platform for getting to information whenever. Enable your video advertising technique with the capacity to contact individuals on their portable screens. With better data transfer capacity, videos today are for marketing on mobile devices, so your gathering of people can get full experience even outside their desktop gadgets.

7. At the point when a man is searching for any administration or item, there are horrible odds of baiting him or her with a content depiction. At this crossroads, a video introduction works ponder by furnishing every one of the subtle elements implanted with the required information and the right measurements of diversion that catch their eye and keep them snared.

8. With a video for business, you are certain to get a phenomenal profit for your venture. Measurements say that when you include a video your presentation page, the odds of a deal occurring increments by 80%. Additionally, with the affordable innovation and heaps of generation houses mushrooming up in the economy, customer organizations don’t need to spend a fortune on profiting the video advertising administrations.

9. Gatherings of people today have less time to jump profound into something that does not grab their eye at first look. They can without much of a stretch look by a promotion flag or a sidebar advertisement that are not in the least utilitarian or pertinent to their necessities. Videos in such case can help the brand to achieve critical accomplishment inside a brief period. They draw in the group of onlookers, connect them from the main look, and furthermore spreads the brand name, rapidly.   While for your next marking effort, you ought to think about the accompanying

10. Video promoting techniques:

  • Present yourself as examined before, as a novice, you need to make an impactful prologue to your customers. For this, there is no preferred path over lecturing about your image with a video. Join the intensity of both sound and video to make the ideas of your business esteem clear and clear enough to be understood by your intended interest group. Utilize this introductory video on the landing page of your business and reveal to them what arrangements you have for them, inside the time furthest reaches of 90 seconds.
  • Offer what you show improvement over one? The following one! After your presentation video, the following one you can focus on is a portrayal video of what you do. A more definite knowledge will give your gathering of people the platform to confide in you increasingly and settle on a buying choice. This can be instructive and can be utilized for drawing in more customers.
  • What about a few tributes. Tribute videos outsider evidence are staggeringly successful with regards to infusing validity and trust into your customers, particularly when they are new to your image. These are winning videos that you should emphatically incorporate into your advertising video gathering and spread beyond what many would consider possible.
  • Demonstrate your way of life.   Culture content mirrors the center estimation of your business, which purchasers watch and depend upon as an affirmation. Particularly for private companies, purchasers need to know their identity purchasing from. Demonstrate to them how you function to meet the customer prerequisites impeccably and on time.
  • Tell them how you were conceived.   Your creation story video is much the same as the way of life content video. To demonstrate to them your identity, possibly through a period pass video of your voyage, development and becoming showbiz royalty with the customers.
  • Post in the favored medium.   It is astounding how individuals love to watch a video. It is without a doubt the medium which the purchasers desire for. Make video writes that will effectively tell your kin precisely the thing you need to pass on. You can select animated explainer video, whiteboard activity video or even non-vivified videos by just using a webcam in the workplace room. Sharing musings through video blog can accommodate impactful outcomes over the long haul.
  • Be appreciative to customers.  unwaveringness is a gigantic test for any business. To make your customers remain with you, the brand needs to assume the liability of fulfilling the customers at each conceivable advance; regardless of whether it intends to post a thank you video. These videos accompany the intensity of candidly associating with the group of onlookers and activating inside them, the sentiment of being needed and adored
  • Demonstrate to them how you function.   You may have run over a great deal of creation process videos of various organizations. Indeed, this is another form of the way of life content videos that will feature your generation procedure. These off-camera videos will give your group of onlookers the genuine picture of what is and how it is delivered for them. This kind of video is perfect for brands which bargain in physical items; in spite of the fact that brands which bargain in administrations based items like programming can make a period pass video of how the engineers are functioning all through.
  • Meeting specialists of the sector and spread.   Another kind of tribute video where you can approach the specialists to say a couple of words in regards to you. You can ask their sentiment on how they imagine that your business can leave a critical check on the business and how individuals can profit by your items or administrations over the long haul.

Animated videos can be created for the internet as well as mobile applications. Some design studios have stylized: Which is all well and good if the shoe fits! Others will be able to work in a range of styles to suit your company´s image and offer a more “couture” (boutique) service.

While moving characters (caricatures) are good at getting attention, some things are better said with text. Web videos can include animated text, characters, music, and voice-overs as well as live action shots. Get the right animation team, and you have everything your business needs to get your message across.

Quite understandably then, there are not just one or two, but several benefits of using animation videos for advertising and promoting a business. Here are some prominent ones listed out for your reference:

1. Develop the Customer’s Trust.

Using audio visuals helps in building the trust of your customers. Audio-visual messages show that the business took their time and effort to make sure that the customers understand what they offer. In most cases, people always believe what they see and not what they read or hear from somebody else. Success starts with the first impression, and if the first impression that the business builds on their customers is right, then the company is on its way to success.

2. Videos Entertain, Educates and Inspires

A good number of people who want to buy products they have never used will wish to a brief demonstration of how the product can be used. It is only on videos that you can get such a demonstration. The use of animations for marketing is becoming popular. Apart from the animation persuading you to use a specific product, it is also entertaining the viewer.

3. Lasting Impression

One of the advantages of Aminated video marketing for your business is that videos last for a long time and they create a lasting impression as compared to ads. Viewers of the video are more likely to remember the contents of the video as compared to any other medium. Ads die within a short time while videos go viral over the internet for a long time.

4. Videos are Economical Too!

Innovative technology has made video production cheap and affordable. Video production hardware is now affordable and readily available making the production of videos cheap. This ensures that the business does not spend a lot of their money in developing the videos.

5. High Impact and Measurability.

The boom in production and viewership of Aminated videos has increased the number of internet searches for products displayed in the videos. YDraw, a whiteboard animation company, has seen a significant increase in conversions at a little cost per acquisition.

6. Higher Priority in Search Engines

When searching on the internet using the search engines, you click on the second page of the results to view what you want. Videos get a higher priority as compared to pictures, texts, and audio files. This gives you a better advantage if you include the video on your website making it more noticeable.

7. Visual Appeal.

Animated Videos are audio-visual meaning they can appeal to several senses that is the eye and the ear. Videos make sure that both the visually disabled and those who cannot hear are capable of getting the message.

8. Reach a Large Audience Over a Short Period.

One of the most significant benefits of Animated Videos is that they can reach a massive population over a short period. Reaching a large audience over a short time in a more cost-effective means is a better solution.

9. Easily Incorporated in Social Media.

You can easily incorporate animated video message into the social media sites using links. Research indicates that 70 percent of the people visiting the internet watch videos. This makes audio-visual messages a powerful tool in marketing. If they used well, they are going to make colossal changes in your business.

10. Easy to Share.

Social media has become part of our life today. Currently, video sharing is a widespread practice in the social media meaning your business is going to gain popularity within a short time. There are a few things that you will need to look out for when deciding who is going to create your video. Find a video production company that focuses on a better production style, humor, and fun content to ensure your videos are remembered and shared. It is imperative to host your videos where you can measure their success.

Technology has changed the way we live and is bringing out something new every day. It is being used in every possible way to advance different agendas and goals. One of the key elements of new technology is that it provides an easier way to do things than the last chapter, so to speak. Manufacturing, packaging, communication, Search Engine Optimization, you name it; there is a technological solution for everything and everyone.

Advertising is one of those areas where new technologies are being used every day to help sell products and services. Video marketing is increasingly growing and proving to be the most effective online marketing tool yet. The use of motion pictures, images and sound served as a cocktail is proving to appeal more to clients.

The use of video is a more captivating means to communicate your message as it engages the client more just like a good movie would. It relays information in more than one dimension.

How To Use The Technique Effectively

A video just like any other presentation has got to have certain qualities; some of the standard and others varying depending on the content being delivered. It is up to the marketer to make sure he or she is fully conversant with what is being said in the video and then find the best delivery method to make the biggest impact. Here are some storytelling tactics that you can use to effectively apply affordable video marketing services in relaying your message.

1.Manipulate sound, color, and images

The main components of a video are sound and motion pictures. Images are used when necessary to illustrate a particular point can only be presented using the same. In some cases, however, they are used more generously which does not affect the overall product if creatively included.

All these elements have got various properties that can be adjusted to make a maximum impact on a particular sense. Color, for example, can be sharpened and made brighter to make it more appealing to the eyes. The same techniques are applicable to any images used.

Elements of sound can also be adjusted to create certain effects and give the best accompaniment to the motion picture.

2. Give a full tour

This is an opportunity of a lifetime to take your existing and potential clients through every necessary detail that your marketing team feels will sell your brand better. You could start your video right at the company’s security check, through to the reception and the rest of the other departments. Let the customer know what exactly you are all about and how you are both benefiting from this relationship you are looking to foster. Let them feel like they know you well enough to trust your proposal.

3.Stick to the point

Take into account all that you need to deliver and find the simplest but creative means to say it. A video script should only be as long as it is adding value meaning it retains the full attention of the client. Do not become too wordy as you may lose the main message in the process, the attention of the viewer or most likely both. That would be catastrophic. If you are finding it an uphill task then seek the services of a professional scriptwriter who will package your information in the best way.

4. Use interesting footage and sound

Any brand has got some certain qualities that associate it with particular genres of music, for example. A wedding brand will go with more mellow kind of music while a saw chain advert would probably go with some hard rock tunes to illustrate its power to destroy’. Keep your material interesting and captivating to make sure anyone watching the video does so to the end.

Is Video Marketing a Valuable Resource?

The basic rule here is to use the least time to present a quality video in the most creative manner given the tools at your disposal. It is a particularly good tool to improve your SEO by attracting more hits because of the unique method of delivery. Once you have packaged an ideal marketing video you will notice near instant result in the way people respond to your brand and other general aspects of your organization. The result you will notice will definitely be positive.

We’ve put together a list of some of the best websites that we’ve created in the past 12 months. Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.  We always aim for minimalistic design style unless of course, the client brief says otherwise. Our portfolio covers different industries from construction, law firms, tourism, etc. This shows our versatility when it comes to website design. A similar list for our business profile layout designs can be accessed here.

Engineering & Construction

Mekan Group: Rationale

The website layout encompasses a mechanical and modern design that proves eccentric and savvy animations by use of geometric shapes, the bold use of the corporate colours and the use of a value proposition that communicates the problem Mekan aims to solve. The images that are used give the viewer a visual presentation of what the company is about in the construction industry and represents the raw and authenticness of the services that the Mekan Group provides.

BWD 2018 websites mekan

Company Name: Mekan Group


Tema Civil: Rationale

In this layout, the main element we used is the triangle as it represents structural strength. The triangle is the most rigid frame structure taken from the pyramid reference where sections of its structure contain a strong foundation from the bottom upwards. We demonstrate the use of squares or cubes shapes as a clever interpretation of mathematics whereby this reference comes into play when one square is divided to create two triangles. We position Tema Civil as the smart and strategic construction company through the design concept explained above.

BWD 2018 websites tema civil

Company Name: Tema Civil


Law Firms

TGR Attorneys: Rationale

On the TGR Attorneys website, the design takes a reference to the corporate industry to allude to the serious nature of the industry by the use of black and white imagery throughout the website. In the website design and layout white space matters most, and the simplicity of minimal use of corporate colours, shapes and line.

BWD 2018 Websites TGR Attorneys

Company Name: TGR Attorneys


Maliseha Attorneys: Rationale

On the Maliseha Attorneys website, the design is sophisticated with regards to the law firm industry. Gold is the colour of extravagance, wealth, riches and is used as an accent colour. The colour gold is a warm colour that is interpreted as sombre and traditional. The colour gold is associated with illumination, love, compassion, courage, passion, magic and wisdom. The photographic elements are in high quality and vibrant colours to demonstrate the above attributes.

Company Name: Maliseha Attorneys


FEM: Rationale

Again, the FEM website, as an assurance company used warm photographic elements overlapped with the Johannesburg city skyline and a cheerful construction worker to make the value proposition posed as a question relateable to the viewer. The bold use of typography and colours of photographic elements emotionally tie into what FEM are about as a company. The rest of the website is in use of the colour blue, a colour commonly associated with trustworthiness and a calm emotion. The website uses large light grey typographic titles in the white spaces to subtly grab the reader’s attention to the following information.

BWD 2018 website designs FEM

Company Name: FEM



Thebe Tourism: Rationale

For the webpage, we focused on the simplicity of the design layout because we wanted the story to guide the tone of the page. We decided on a light, neutral, colour scheme with orange as the Thebe Tourism division colour to be the accent to complement the photographic elements of the website.  The photographic elements showcase beautiful landscapes and animals to capture the mood of the Thebe Tourism vision and the message the company wants its viewers to know.

BWD 2018 website designs thebe tourism

Company Name: Thebe Tourism


SABC Sales

SABC Sales: Rationale

The objective of creating this microsite is to advertise the various advertising opportunities that the SABC radio shows offer. Every station will have a theme page. To further make navigation easy, we have used images with hover effects and clear text links. Everything was made large and legible to further make navigation simple. Graphs and pie charts will also be used to show ratings. The stations’ colours will also be used on the graphs and pie charts to carry the theme right through. Everything we did here was to make the site simple and very user-friendly and to ease up on having to spend too much time navigating through various pages unnecessarily.

BWD 2018 website designs SABC Sales

Company Name: SABC Sales


eCommerce – Fashion

Tshepy Boutique: Rationale

The Tshepy Boutique website is intended to reflect a merge into global and local retail brands to communicate a sense of style, quality and quirky sophistication. This has been managed through a clean and minimalistic layout design complimented by rich browns and a signature pattern arrangement. These dark colour choices attribute style and quality as inherent to the Tshepy Boutique brand where the signature pattern adds a definitive quirky yet sophisticated character and feel- a quality present in many of the product choices of the boutique. As the products presented on the landing page easily sell the signature style. Not only does the website display products but it uses a call to action by the use of a button to prompt the viewer to a step further in purchasing the product.

BWD 2018 website designs tshepy boutique

Company Name: Tshepy Boutique


Accounting & Auditing Firm

Ngubane & Co: Rationale

The Ngubane & Co website, like the TGR Attorneys and the Maliseha websites follow the design of corporate industry to allude to the serious nature of the industry by the use of dull or grey imagery throughout the website. In the website design and layout white space matters most, and the simplicity of minimal use of corporate colours, shapes and line. On the Ngubane website, we use an exciting placement of typography and shapes to bring the black and white content to life.

BWD 2018 websites ngubane

Company Name: Ngubane & Co


Asset Management

Ses’fikile Capital: Rationale

The objective of the website is to elevate and equating it to the globally listed property investment specialists it represents. The rejuvenated design demonstrates an air of Elegance, Sophistication, Modernity, and Simplicity. The golden ginger logo colour was maintained as a complement to the secondary dark blue, which conveys trust, strength, dependability & security. This, in turn, re-arms the message that Seskile is a thought leader in the realm of Global Real Estate. Throughout the website design, golden ginger was peppered in homage to the psychology of Success, Achievement, and Triumph.

BWD 2018 websites sesfikile

Company Name: Ses’fikile Capital


IDF Capital: Rationale

According to the IDF corporate identity guidelines, the objective of the website is to communicate channels on a dynamic platform. IDF Capital explains that any healthy portal should evolve as the usage dynamics change to suit the service offering best; with the inaugural site operates on a few basic layout principles. We incorporated a layout design that expresses storytelling, a grid formula and compatibility with a vibrant use of their corporate colours to attract the viewer attention to the landing page, as seen below.

BWD 2018 websites idf

Company Name: IDF


Balondolozi: Rationale

Balondolozi’s landing page uses their logo as part of the introduction into value propositioning who they are. As seen below, the volt used in their landing page represents safety and assurance to convince the viewer or potential customer that their investments are safe with Balondolozi.

BWD 2018 website designs balondolozi

Company Name: Balondolozi


Mianzo: Rationale

The concept for the Mianzo website was based on themes of ‘self-development and enrichment’ as a metaphor for the idea of ‘investment. This has been communicated through image choices that reflect a wide range of architectural buildings. The use of gold, blue and white imagery, accented by the companies corporate ’gold colours’, are arranged simply on the home page with a few key ideas and thoughts from the provided content, call to actions have been included on each slide as a way in which to encourage the user to navigate to other pages and content to be loaded onto the site. The overall result conveys an image of Mianzo, that is timeless, modern, clean and corporate. Gold and blue imagery give a sense of history and time that solidifies the company as credible and level with companies like Allan Grey, and Prudential – from which this look and feel have been inspired by.

BWD 2018 websites mianzo

Company Name: Mianzo


Investment Holdings

Rand Merchant Investments Holdings Limiteroup: Rationale

Like the Mekan Group, the website layout encompasses a modern design that uses sophisticated and stylish photographs. The bold use of the corporate colours and the use of their company name as a value proposition that communicates the services that RMIH claims to offer. The images that are used give the viewer a visual presentation of what the company is about in the corporate investment industry setting.

BWD 2018 websites RMI

Company Name: Rand Merchant Investment


Akhona Group: Rationale

The website below shows a dynamic and multifaceted layout that embodies the earthy green colour into a geometric structure. This represents the idea of ‘mother-nature’ as the founders of the company being women and the geometric feel as the corporate industry.

BWD 2018 websites akhona group

Company Name: Akhona Group



The African Story Teller: Rationale

The website displays an African look and feel of the company’s corporate identity with the warm colours to match the ethos of the brand. The fashion-forward models indicate that the company is cutting edge and put their best foot in the forefront.

BWD 2018 website designs TheAfricanStoryTeller

Company Name: The African Story Teller



AABLA: Rationale

For this website we chose a very elegant and clean layout. We also chose a font that’s timeless and easy to read. Our reason for these choices was to make it easy for the user to navigate through this one-pager website.

BWD 2018 websites aabla

Company Name: AABLA


GEPF: Rationale

As a world-class pension fund, GEPF’s inaugural event site draws on the use of blue and gold to pay homage to the credibility and magnitude of the work done by the organisation. Green speaks to warmth, communication, compassion and care; a reflection of the manner in which GEPF clients should relate to the brand.

The website layout used on the website is simple, striking, strong and modern. The whole idea of the website is to keep people updated about the upcoming conference, and also keep them on the loop as to when it’s going to happen; hence the countdown timer. A bold font has been used to emphasise each section that the user is reading on the site. The colours that are used in the site are strong, simple and reflect a certain image/standard that the conference is to portray. On the home page, we went with the symbolism of the economy which is reflected as the touch points on the African Continent. The secondary image is a vintage watch which represents the long term investments of a pension fund. Tertiary images would be the conference seats.

BWD 2018 websites gepf

Company Name: GEPF


Health Care

Sachin Bawa: Rationale

The design of the website is geared towards a simple, clear and professional look showcasing exactly what services Dr Sachin Bawa provides. The layout of the site is clean and gets the viewer’s attention towards the important elements of the company. The Imagery used on the home page reveals what Dr Sachin does before you read through, sending the right message. The images have been used where necessary to display a visual view of the content. Every section of the site has been designed in a user-friendly manner making it easy for the visitor to navigate easily throughout the site and find necessary information they will require. The 1st slider introduces the user to what the company does, with a subliminal image on the background to support that. The next slider goes into detail as to what you might need and how they can assit. The final slider slightly pushes the user towards hitting that call to action button and contacting the company.

BWD 2018 websites sachin bawa

Company Name: Sachin Bawa



Allergex: Rationale

The idea behind the website’s visual designs showcases representation of the allergens that people may suffer from, such as dust and dander from fur or pollen from different kinds of plants and foliage. The design of the artworks fosters the message in the copy by presenting the audience with a series of allergy causes that they have to struggle with every day, whilst simultaneously giving the solution to whichever allergen they may be afflicted with. Thus emphasizing the message of ‘Free To Be You’.The brand is assuring people that ” these may be the things you suffer from, but here is your solution.

BWD 2018 websites adcock allergex

Company Name: Adcock (Allergex)



Afrikan Farms: Rationale

Afrikan Farms is a family owned African commercial farming enterprise, which, encompass Livestock farming and crop farming. Afrikan Farms’ website which best shows who they are to their clients and what they do. The design of the website is clean, professional and informative; giving enough information for the user to know exactly what it is Afrikan Farms does. The landing page displays images based on the actual people, buildings and animals found on the property. The colours used are black, brown and gold, which all compliment each other on the website. These colours were used to keep in line with the colours of the corporate identity.

BWD 2018 websites afrikan farms

Company Name: Afrikan-Farms
