07 Jul Meet The 2015 BWD Interns

For the past four weeks BWD has given five design students from different design institutes an opportunity to show off their skills as well as gain experience in the working environment. These five students did not only learn from us but we also learnt from them , thus resulting in a positive outcome for all of us at BWD.
Oswald, Albert, Billy, Thabisile and Zuko were the five interns to the BWD team. We watched them grow into fine designers and so they are deserving a proper introduction. Meet the 2015 BWD interns

Thabisile Nkosi
Animation Intern
What have you learnt after spending 4 weeks as an intern at BWD?
Working with BWD has been quite an experience. They are fun, loving and very welcoming. During my interning weeks I’ve learn about corporate identity, how to create simple but unique logos, how to design business folders, cards, business magazine, company profiles using mock ups.
I also learnt how to work in Adobe Illustrator and InDesign software, of which they were challenging as a beginner. Imagine you’re working on a project while learning how to use the software. It was fun though, because I learnt how to use them within 3 days.
As I am a 3D animation student, I got a chance to animate in 2D using After Effects and Photoshop. Of which after effect is an interesting software. Thank you BWD for giving me this opportunity, it was worthy.
Bashene Thamane
Multimedia Design intern
What have you learnt after spending 4 weeks as an intern at BWD?
I have learnt things like Guerrilla Marketing – “unconventional system of promotions and it relies on time, energy and imagination instead of spending large amount of money on conventional marketing”. I also learnt that start up companies can use this way of marketing if they don’t have sufficient funds, and this way of marketing can be in a way of e-mail marketing, using social media as marketing strategy, article marketing.
I have also learnt a professional way of presenting products to clients so they can see how their products will look like once it gone through the final stage of printing.(Read his blog post)

Zuko Santi
Multimedia Design intern
What have you learnt after spending 4 weeks as an intern at BWD?
“Simplicity is the ultimate Sophistication”, is one of the few things I have learnt from BWD. From the importance of typography to its layout and that artwork should have emotion. “When something looks dodge its dodge and when something looks good its because it looks good”. Just being around very good designers showed me that it’s possible, I simply need to put the time in to my designs.
I’m Thankful for this opportunity and if I would be granted to do it again I would “…show it flames”.
Oswald Mohape
Graphic Designer
What have you learnt after spending 4 weeks as an intern at BWD?
After spending 4 weeks at Breeze Website Designers I learnt that design is as simple as understanding math. All you need to do is think less, apply your self. Relax and read more in order to understand how the design word works. Most importantly design is a process that needs time to perfect. Design as a subject that can make the world a better place for all should be studied further. Learning from the best is key to being a Creative Director.

Bill Mashego
Animation Intern
What have you learnt after spending 4 weeks as an intern at BWD?
I learnt about corporate identity using corporate logo’s and layout design and how to package it to send to clients. Most of all I learned how to animate like a pro, using After Effects. With animation I learned how to construct and simplify a story so that it makes sense to the viewers. I also learnt about other After Effects plug-ins and a lot of tutorials helped me to enhance my animations. I also learnt to step out of my comfort zone when it comes designing. I achieved this by incorporating each of my BWD team’s ideas and thoughts into my designs.