18 May Meet Kyle – The Animator
Meet Kyle – A black-belted animation ninja at Breeze Website Designers in Johannesburg, South Africa. In this video he explains the ins-and-outs of of being a design guru, as well as how he brings inanimate objects to life; that not only wow the client, but also adds value to the projects he partakes in.
Fun facts about Kyle:
– A serious internet addict, because cats ringing doorbells are just way too good for their own good.
– Also produces music in his spare time.
– Fiendishly good at handstands and speed-eating.
Video Transcription
Kyle, Male subject:
Hi, I’m Kyle and i’m an animator for Breeze Website designers in Johannesburg, South Africa.
In this video, we’re working on our corporate identity video explainer, which we use to showcase all our work to all our clients. We also work on tutorials, as well as, short films – as you can see in this Breezeville animation we did.
Our process isn’t a lengthy one. We start off with our concepts and ideation and then, move on to our storyboards. Once we’ve completed our storyboards and they’ve been approved, we go ahead and collect all our assets. These include things like your audio, your backtrack and your voice overs.
Thereafter we move into the production phase where we work our magic and give you a top notch product. Here at BWD we do two different types of animations: We have your cel animation, which is your traditional animation. This allows us to actually go in and record each frame – drawing it one by one. Then, we’ve got your keyframe animation, which allows us to mathematically calculate between two points what our next step would be in the animation itself.
Animation is basically the process of bringing still and inanimate object to life. We’re about connecting with people and that is what we try to showcase in all of our work.
If you’re interested in taking your product to the next level, contact BWD and we’ll help you create and animate a product explainer that helps you boost your product and your sales.
[BWD logo appears on screen]