How to Write A Good Video Animation Script

How to Write A Good Video Animation Script

Video Explainers have the ability to capture and inform viewers about your business. This is done in a number of ways using animated illustrations as well as video footage and typography, however before you start with the visuals you should have a killer script ready to guide you through the process. These are a few tips on creating a good script for your video.

1. Keep it Short.

The average viewer starts to lose interest after 2 minutes so make sure that the information you provide is interesting and relevant. This means don’t go into too much detail about your services, just mention the basic outlines and provide the viewer with a link to your website should they need to learn more about your business.


2. Put your message in the first 30 seconds.

Try to simplify your message so it’s easy for the viewer to understand and make sure it’s in the first 30 seconds of your video. You should state the problem and then how your business can fix the issue in this time. This will allow the viewer to pay attention to your message during the rest of the video.


3. Speak directly to the viewer.

It is important that the viewer sees you in a friendly and comfortable light, so don’t be afraid to speak directly to the viewer using personal words like “you” or “your”. Show them how you can help them reach their goals. They need to be able to trust you when handling their company name.


4. Establish the tone of your video.

it is very important to have a tone in your video as it will help direct the video to the emotions of the audience. When choosing your tone, you need to picture your customer and understand how he/she is going to react to your video and your message. Decide which tone would be best for your message and then move on to the next step.


5. Tell as short story.

Most animated explainers start off by presenting the problem (Lesedi is bored), they then introduce the solution (Lesedi downloads a new android game) and explain how their solution can help (have hours of fun with our new game…etc.) and then they throw in a call to action (download now on the play store)

Based on the above example,you video script structure should  always consist of four acts: a beginning (what), a middle (how), a conclusion (why) and a call-to-action (do). The “what” is the problem of your target audience that your product /service can solve and its the ain reason why a viewer chooses to click on your video.

The “how” explains the solution to the problem and should be explained as simply and directly as possible, so the audience grabs it instantly. The “why”tells your viewer why they should choose your company above another. This is where you can brag about your product’s features, benfits, etc. And lastly,your call-to-action is how you get the viewer to either purchase your product or find out more about it.

Use good visuals to show how your product helped other people .You can do this by using an animated character as the person experiencing the problem in the video and how your product or service helped them. The audience can relate to someone experiencing the same issues as them rather than a bunch of statistics and information, so use this as an advantage in your script.


6. Use humour wisely

A great way to get viewers to keep watching your video is by using humour, however it needs to be timed well and must not be distracting to the audience. It is acceptable to add humour in the script but it might be more effective with the use of visuals and sound. Use it sparingly.


7. Pace yourself

Keep your wording between 125 and 150 words per minute. The viewer needs time to take in the information and absorb what you are saying. Keeping the same pace throughout your video goes  hand in hand with your tone. Don’t jump between different speeds as the user can quickly become distracted and overwhelmed.

The script is the base and foundation of your video, so spend time on it because it will pay off in the final video.

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