How To Convert Those Website Visitors To Customers

How To Convert Those Website Visitors To Customers




In a previous blog entry we shared some professional advice on how to get the attention of your target audience.  But even though getting it right is a major feat, it is only half the battle won. Because you don’t just want a click, you want a conversion.

A conversion takes places when a user of your website takes an action, such as make contact, download a file, make a purchase, or ask for more information. Simply put, your audience shouldn’t only click on your site; they should also click with you and start engaging immediately. Here are five simple tips that can help to improve your click to conversion rate significantly…


1. Don’t base your efforts on assumptions. Be sure to get your facts straight

Make sure the company that manages your website is exceptionally good at interpreting the data that can be obtained from Google analytics. You need to constantly check how many people visit your site, what they were searching for or what made them go to your website in the first place.

If they land on your site, but leave soon after, then maybe you weren’t targeting the right keywords or phrases. For example, perhaps you targeted the phrase “how to have a beautiful lawn” because you sell pesticides, but your users were hoping to find landscapers or instant lawn instead. In such an instance, you’d have to adapt your adwords and online campaign accordingly.

Also, understanding what drove traffic to your website – will help you to focus the majority of your efforts on those activities that yield the best results.


2. Always address the “what’s-in-it-for-me” first before talking about YOU.

Always drive straight to what it is that you can offer your target audience and how it can solve their needs or issues first. Only when they understand the benefit to them, will they be interested to know more about what makes yours different from similar offers out there – and why you are the go-to place for it. Keep it short, sweet, real and honest. And without exception, if you make a statement, you need to be able to substantiate it tangibly, with facts, figures, testimonials and outcomes.


3. Enter the battle for attention fully armed – by knowing your enemies.

Your website company should also be able to show you how you are faring against competitors who have a similar offering than yours. If you consistently get fewer hits than your competitors, you obviously need to rethink your own communication. You may have to conduct more frequent and more impactful campaigns or come up with creative ideas to make your offer more attractive.


4. If you don’t remain ahead of your game, you WILL eventually lose.

If you don’t remain in touch and attuned to the ever evolving needs of your target audiences, you risk becoming irrelevant in your market. Digital platforms create opportunities for direct input and feedback from target audiences – that are second to none. A consumer driven enterprise could for example gain significant benefit from a strategically planned social media plan, whilst a digital content sharing strategy will be more suited for business to business engagement.


5. It’s all about action, action, and more action.

Everyone needs a constant nudge in the right direction. Be sure to include strong calls-to-action on every single one of your website pages or to let it form an integral part of any digital campaign that you roll out.