Does Your Website Need A Revamp?

cover-image-Does-your-website-need-a-revamp-A website is the face and one of the main selling points of a company. The point of the website is to inform the user/customer about your business. The website needs to speak fully about the brand and what the customer can get out of doing business with you. A website needs to be a face and represent your brand correctly.


Many people do not know how important it is to keep the face of your business (website / online presence) as relevant and useable as possible. So how do you know if your website needs a revamp? There are many factors that can make you consider a website revamp. Below are 6 points that will tell you if your website needs a revamp.


  1. When was the last website update?
  2. What is and is not working with the current site?
  3. Are you receiving positive feedback about your online presence?
  4. Is your current content speaking to your customer?
  5. Does it adapt to mobile device screens?
  6. Is your website style saying something different about your company?


1. When Was The Last Website Update?


As years go by your customers perceptions and thoughts change. What was relevant to your clients in 2010 is not relevant to them in 2016. Having content from 5 years ago is probably a big indicator that your website might just need to be retouched. Updating the content on your site keeps your business more current. Having a modern feel to your website gives a fresh appeal to your business. The more you refresh the site the more interest you will get to your site.


2. What Is And Is Not Working With The Current Site?


Now you site used to be the talk of the town, but lately there is lack of interest towards your online presence. Why is that? Simple there are elements on your site which are not working.

What does not work: low quality visuals, lack of reviews or testimonials, confusing or busy content, outdated content, hard to find contact information, unnecessary/irrelevant  popups and ads, slow loading times, and non responsiveness.


3. Are You Receiving Positive Feedback About Your Online Presence?


This should play a role on your website’s online presence, the feedback and reactions from your clients will help in aiding the growth of your website. The 1st thing would be feedback from the actual customers, do not listen to every person who complains about everything but to the majority of the complaints. That feedback will aid in better understanding how your market navigates your website. The second thing is to use the aid of google analytics, Google analytics is a statistics and analytics tool which you can use for better marketing purposes. This tool basically helps you see how long people are on your website for; which pages do the users migrate to; and also are those website users turning around and becoming customers.


4. Is Your Current Content Speaking To Your Customer?


Customers would want their experience on your website to be focused on them. If your website is only boastful and does not help the customer with their need it will help you generate any sales. What this means is that your website needs to answer their questions and needs. So for instance if you sell popcorn the website needs to specifically answer the questions that your customer would ask eg: What are you selling? What are your differents popcorn ranges/services? Where/how can I get your product?


5. Does It Adapt To Mobile Device Screens?


It’s all good that your website looks modern fresh and is up to date on computer but does it translate well when it is viewed on mobile devices? If the answer is no, then your business is losing out on a growing population of audiences which are becoming accustomed to doing everything on their devices.


6. Is Your Website Style Saying Something Different About Your Company?


Does your website say playhouse instead of lawfirm, if your website doesn’t feel like it provides your product, it’s probably the reason why people don’t stay on your website. The way your website feels has a big impact on how people perceive your business. If your website looks fun and playful yet you provide a serious service, your customers will not take your business seriously. The same works for if you have a fun service yet your website looks like you sell vintage carpentry. If you have the wrong feel on your website then you probably need to redesign the way it looks.


If you recognise any of these points as something you see familiar in your website, you should consider Redesigning, Retouching or revamping your whole site.

Considering a website redesign have a look at some of the websites we have done.