Writing Copy that Adds a Human Element to a Brand


One of the biggest mistakes that companies around the world make is forgetting that their customers are human. While it may seem obvious, many companies see their customers as statistics or numbers on a sales sheet. Consequently, their brand’s tone conveys the same monotonous notions as the view of their customers. Even if that isn’t the case and you truly value your customers and their needs, it’s natural for you to want to ensure that your brand sounds professional.


Unfortunately, aiming to sound professionalism can affect the personality and human element of copy, because we are so focused on perfect grammar and wording. In the end, we sound more like a cold, calculated business than a brand with personality. While grammar and spelling are very important – a simple spelling mistake can make a competent brand seem unprofessional very quickly – it’s important to remember that you’re talking to people:



People who don’t need to read another article or webpage that sounds like it was written by a robot. When it comes to good copywriting, adding the human element is what takes copy from good to great. It is all about making the reader think and resonating with the reader, but to achieve this, you may need some help. Here are some ways to remove the robot-tonality and ramp up the human factor:


Engaging humans



For copy to be human, it must be engaging. For instance, rather than just talking to them, ask your readers for feedback, what their opinions are or their experiences. Inviting people to interact with your brand is a great way to make sure that your copy is engaging. Not only are you interacting with your readers, but you might also get valuable insight into their thoughts and feelings about your brand – something no poll would be able to uncover. However, don’t try to force the conversation. Use subtle ways to encourage engagement through the interactive elements within your copy.


Once upon a time



Tell me: What’s your story? This is such a deceptively simple question, but the intricacies behind storytelling are such a big part of being human. What is human history but a collection of stories? If copy can tell a story, it is a great way to add that human element to your brand. Telling stories has been a great part of recording and sharing human history – this is why, throughout history, storytelling was considered a very valuable skill.

Stories are a great way to connect with people, share their experiences, and to touch their hearts. The best brands out there usually have some sort of story-element that resonates with their consumers. Even if you think you don’t have a story, there are many hidden in every facet of a brand: Tell stories about the people behind the brand, stories about your work, about your passion, the employees or
your customers.

Every story is unique – that is why they are so intriguing and captivating. Stories are also a way to showcase a different aspect of your brand and give you that stand-out factor in a sea
of marketing clutter.


Humans are social beings



In today’s digitised age, it’s important for your brand to feel accessible, and the interactions with the brand – genuine. When it comes to social media, your brand develops a personality, whether you do it on purpose or not. This is why it is important that the human element plays a large role when you consider how to tackle your social media platforms and posts.

When your brand is on social media, it can act as a sounding board, a platform to listen to your customers, a way to grow the brand and engage consumers, but only if your social interactions have a touch of humanness. Automated responses just don’t cut it anymore. If you want to be on social media, make sure to take some time to think about how you want your brand to come across. Having a strong personality on social media can say a lot more than you might think, so make sure your copy on social media is in line with what you want to achieve.


Have a laugh



We all know the best way to break the ice is with a joke. Humour just has a way of connecting us. If using a little bit of humour can work with your brand’s personality, then it is an ideal way to add that human moment to your brand. In doing so, you can easily resonate with your readers.
If you want to use humour, make sure to always keep it in line with your brand. I’m sure if we all had to think about examples of brands that are humorous, we could immediately list at least one of two. That is because humour has the ability to make a big impression on us; it’s what makes a brand a lot more relatable.


Getting a bit emotional?



What is more human than emotions? When writing copy, always consider the way people will feel
when you are speaking about your business or brand. Consider the industry, the product, the
service, and the type of customer.

Understanding the consumer’s mind-set when they are reading the copy can contribute a great deal to understanding the emotions they might experience when they interact with your brand. For instance, if you’re in a healthcare industry dealing with people who are sick, making sure that when they read the copy they can see that you have sympathy for their circumstances, care about them, and truly want to help. Addressing the right emotions can make a big difference because you’re acting like a human would.


We are all just human



In the end, it is important to remember the simple fact that everyone is human…and your copy
needs to reflect that. As Aaron Carter said, “The main thing in life is not to be afraid of being