Benefits Of Doing Your Internship At BWD Advertising


An internship is of great value to any CV as it allows us, students, the opportunity to apply our knowledge and skills in a professional setting and it exposes us to the industry. But a good internship should encourage you to work to best of your ability and move you towards your dream career.


However, internship programs must be done with dedication and determination for you to learn, make valuable connections and possibly get hired permanently after your studies! One of the most significant things about an internship is that it’s a place where you are allowed to make mistakes and learn from them in order to become better.


Internships also expose you to common industry procedures that you have to follow and abide by, which helps you gain experience and practical knowledge that curriculums often don’t cover. Be aware that during this time you are expected to be professional, ethical and to abide by the rules and regulations at all times and doing otherwise may cause your internship to terminate early or have other unlikable consequences.


Another tip – when a colleague asks you for help or hands you a task, do it with enthusiasm. It gets you noticed! And it’s important to ask questions, especially when you don’t understand. Remember your manners and be polite at all times when interacting with other people in the workplace – it will help you get acquainted with colleagues, making the work and office better for yourself.


As a current intern, my final advice is to just be yourself and strive to succeed with passion – because the difference between who you are and who you want to be is what you do.