10 Reasons Your Website Isn’t Generating Sales

One of the most common questions we get from prospective clients is ” have a site that I paid a large amount of money for and it looks decent yet we’re not getting enough leads or sales. Could you help us?”In practically every case, the appropriate response is yes and one of the main reasons they are not getting the leads or sales they expected is on account of the utilized a web architecture firm to plan and manufacture their organization site as opposed to utilizing a digital advertising agency that really utilises what they prescribe todrive their own particular business.

All things considered, here are 10 of the most widely recognised reasons why your present site isn’t creating enough leads and/ or sales

1. You neglect your website

You spend a great deal of money on public exhibitions, print, signage, vehicle wraps, TV and radio promoting, however with regards to your site, you invest almost no energy or money on making it as well as can be expected be, despite the fact that you realize that each and every individual that ever considers purchasing from your organization will visit your site before settling on an official conclusion. As it were, you see your site as a cost – or an indispensable evil – as opposed to an income creating resource, and you’re leaving a considerable measure of money on the table as a result of it.



2. Manage your online reputation more efficiently

You could easily generate dozens of great online reviews. Reviews are very important because you read customer reviews yourself, but when it comes to managing your own online reputation, you haven’t worked a review strategy into your process.



3. You don’t write blogs

You don’t invest any energy making blog content for your site. Try not to stress, you are not the only one on this one. The issue is that blogging is an imperative web index positioning component. At the end of the day, week after week blog entries (or more) will enhance your odds on flying up on the primary page of Google. Besides, dynamic site sites are demonstrated to help expand web movement change rates by at least 150%.



4. You are not investing in intergrating video on your website

You don’t have any explainer video’s or podcasts on your site. You are losing an extraordinary chance to warm up leads by setting up trust and validity on your site. In that capacity, your transformation rates are not as high as they ought to be.



5. You’re not running your pay per click campaign effectively

You as of now have a hunch that your Google AdWords crusade is not producing the measure of leads it ought to be. You’ve never observed the reports and don’t know how much the organization you contracted is spending on your campaigns or and the amount of that spending they are keeping in their pocket. Indeed, you’re most likely paying for clicks on watchwords that are unimportant to your business, yet you don’t know since you’ve never observed a click through report.



6. Your site is not responsive

Your site is not compatible with iPhone, iPad and other cell phones. You lose a bigger number of clients than you think in light of the fact that about this. Furthermore, Google is making versatile cordiality a noteworthy positioning element this year. On the off chance that you have awesome Google rankings now and your site is not completely mobile optimised, you may kiss those rankings farewell soon. To know about responsive design, read this article here.



7. Your SEO is not as effective

You don’t have any natural search engine visibility. When you write in your item or administration in your city, you are mysteriously absent. You are not endeavoring at search engine optimization (SEO), or you’ve been scorched by a SEO organization, or you are right now working with a SEO firm that is not getting you results.



8. You have poor social media presence

You’re not active in social networking in light of the fact that “you don’t have sufficient energy” despite the fact that you realise that is not valid. A dynamic web-based social networking channel creates demand for your products, helps your organization set up an association with the community, and adds to your search engine rankings. Read this article to improve your social media presence.



9. Your website content is not interesting

Back in the times of “Manufacture it and they will come”web composition, substance was fundamentally the words you put on your static site pages that would remain the same for quite a long time to come. For a long time this really worked sensibly well if the substance on your website pages was catchphrase streamlined. Yet, as we as a whole know, Google isn’t in the matter of giving a truly pleasant search involvement, they’re in the matter of offering publicising. So in the course of recent years, Google has ceaselessly refreshed the calculation they use to figure out which locales appear on the principal page of their search results and which sites/pages get kicked into the storm cellar. All under the appearance of Google attempting to give a superior affair to individuals searching the web for answers to their inquiries and issues.

A few things are getting to be plainly evident as the tide settles on the end of 2014; one, creating significant and valuable substance on a reliable premise is basically imperative and two, how well your content is recieved by the web can have a truly enormous effect on your outcomes by the day’s end.

So what do we mean by “important, valuable and predictable”? By reliable we mean both consistent and much of the time, for example, one great blog entry  every week. (Much of the time = week after week, regular=every week).

By important and helpful we mean making content that resounds with your prospects as they go through the purchasing procedure for your item or administration. As per Forrester, 70-90% of the purchasers voyage is made through online research, some time before a prospect turn into a lead at your organization.

In case regardless you’re dealing with your business constrain with measurements like dials/day, you’re a dinosaur, best case scenario and you should call senior natives since they are the main individuals left on the planet who answer their telephone notwithstanding when they don’t perceive the individual calling them on their guest ID. Keen organizations today realize that prospects search for data on the web and do a dominant part of their research before regularly connecting with an organization for a demo, value cite, information demand or arrangement. On the off chance that your organization doesn’t have an arrangement to make content that answers their inquiries and concerns and distribute it on the web, you will be helpless before your rivals that do.



10. You don’t enough Calls-To- Action

You are spending a huge amount of cash on showcasing and publicizing to direct people to your site, yet can’t make sense of why it’s not changing over into more deals. This is on account of you’re not guiding guests to a convincing suggestion to take action on your site in a way that changes over those visits into a deal or possibly draws them into your business channel. See examples here